I am a designer based in Los Angeles, California. I’m a purpose-driven leader with nearly a decade of expertise in creating user centered products.

Ok, enough about work...

Am I even someone you want to hang out with, let alone work with??? Below are some of my interests. I could talk about any of these subjects for hours, so if you prefer to reach out and talk about one of these things instead of work, that’s fine too!

  • The great outdoors
  • Growing up, my parents made sure that I spent as much time in the wilderness as I did in front of a TV, and I still seek out nature every chance I get. I try to go on a backpacking trip at least a couple times a year.
  • Travel
  • I spent a good amount of my 20’s and 30’s traveling. I lived in Brazil for two years, I studied abroad in Spain in college, hopped around the Caribbean for fun, and spent time some in Japan, France and Portugal as well. The list of places I want to see is still very long, lately I’ve been exploring what our own backyard has to offer.
  • Golf
  • The most fun I have being incredibly bad at something.
  • Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
  • About a decade ago I walked into a Jiu Jitsu gym in Santa Monica and said “I wanna try this”. It took a few classes before I decided that I want to do it for the rest of my life. It has been one of the most challenging yet awarding roads I’ve ever been down and I’ve enjoyed every second of it.
  • Music
  • Music is an obsession. My vinyl record collection is growing and I rarely turn down the chance to see some of my favorite artists live. I appreciate every genre, from classic rock to hip hop, house music and even country. I love it all.
  • Food
  • Some people don’t have a love affair with food, they basically just eat to stay alive. I’m not one of those people. I’ll drive long distances, wait in lines and spend money for incredible meals.